Fathom: A “fathom” is a unit of length equal to 6 feet (~1.8m) and is most commonly used in reference to the depth of water.*ways → *waves: Words than end in “ways” can be made into bad wave puns: al waves(always), railwaves (railways), sidewaves, pathwaves, lengthwaves, doorwaves.Current: As in “ Currently we have no other options.”.Like → lake: As in “Swim lake a fish.” and “ Lake a fish out of water.”.Shallow: As in “That comment was very shallow.”.*dam*: Most words containing “dam” can be made into “dam” puns: damage, damnation, madam, goddamn, adamant, damsel, fun damental.Damn → Dam: As in “This is the best damned water pun you’ve ever heard.” and “These dam otters are stealing all my trees.”.Bitch → Beach: As in “Those beaches don’t know me!” and “She says you were being a bit beachy“.Each → Beach: As in “ Beach of us have our own towel”.Whatever → Waterever: As in “ Waterever, I don’t care.” and “Do waterever you want”.Do you → Dew: As in “ Dew want to grab a coffee some time?” and “How dew do?”.What her → Water: As in “I know water problem is.” and “Do you know water mother thinks about this?”.What do → Water: As in “ Water you think about this?”.What about → Water boat: As in “ Water boat we have tofu curry for dinner tonight?” and “ Water boat Ching? Does she want to come to the beach too?”.What are we → Watery: As in “ Watery going to do?” and “ Watery doing today, friends?”.What are → Water: As in “ Water you doing out so late tonight?” and “ Water you doing tomorrow?”.